

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We had visitors this past weekend, both of the human kind as well as bovine kind!!  Our human visitors were Sandra and Bennie from Alabama and we had a really great time with conversation, food and a great 4 mile hike on the New River Trail.  (Hopefully we burned off a few calories!!)   The weather was perfect for a walk which was marvelous to do in November.  We tried out a new sun-dried tomato chicken dish and with a little tweaking, it will be fantastic.   We aren't sure of the name of our bovine visitor as he or she didn't stay very long, but just had to see about that grass!  He/she did finally go home - back through the barbed wire fence.    Hunting season for deer is now underway and wouldn't you know it, no deer in sight for a couple of days now.......although a couple of very young ones appeared this afternoon under the Bradford pear trees.  The creative work has gone well lately.  I did finish the Mabry Mill quilt as well as a hat, scarf and matching mittens plus another set of mittens - watch this winter be really mild.....  Next project is another afghan.  This one is for Sandra and Bennie.  They are finally going to be settled in their new apartment in Alabama.  Next, we'll be preparing for Thanksgiving dinner and more visitors.  It's going to be great!  Two of our boys and families will be up for the weekend as well as my brother and sister-in-law.  Lots of turkey and lots of pie!!  So, Happy Thanksgiving to all.........

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More Deer

This morning's drama in Cowland was two bucks trying out their antlers under the Bradford pear trees!  They fought a little, seemed to alert to a noise and then went back at it; quite a sight from our window....
A  lot of leaf raking went on today also.  The driveway is once again cleared of leaves and pine needles and one of the gardens has been tilled with the mulched leaves.  So, the fall chores are whittling away!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Activities

We have our fall chores under control!  The gardens are tilled and the back garden has been enlarged to nearly triple size as the original garden is now too shady - tree growth, go figure!!  We have yet to rake and mulch the leaves into the gardens, but they are STILL falling!!   While waiting, we have been baking a new bread recipe - sourdough batter bread.  Just mix, let raise, turn into the loaf pan, let raise and bake!!  Really good and, so far, foolproof!!  The Mabry Mill quilt is half finished; it is looking pretty good.  Have finished two afghans, knitted a hat and almost finished a scarf and my sister has sent a pattern for mittens.  Also I have done some sewing but still have lots to go. Good thing winter is almost here, maybe stuff will get finished!  We have had some company lately, my sister came from "up north" and also Dan and family.  Did a lot of fun shopping; herbs, crafty stuff and the like.  By the way bought a new car, a Fiat 500; NICE!!  Will miss the Jeep (after all it was 10 years with us), but this is so like the Festiva we used to have!

Woke up the other morning to this beautiful site under the Bradford pear trees - the deer really like the little tiny pears the trees drop in the fall and we love seeing them!